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Here at Don't GIVE In we strive to help people suffering from Depression, Social Rejection, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Insomnia and Personality Disorder.
Suicide rates and self harming has just become another thing these days; often we get doctors and our loved ones saying that these things are a meer seeking of attention! No one really knows the battle field inside a depressed persons mind unless and until they have experianced it themselves.
So as you can see stigma breeds isolation of the affected person. I mean, how would they ever feel confident enough to talk to anyone about their problem? Even if they do, will the listener really understand what is going on? When all else fails the only option the affected person has is to kill themselves!
There are ofcourse short term help as the (08457 90 90 90) and other websites that provide immediate support and have saved my life on a number of occations, however they are not the solution to the problem. Then what is? In this stigmatic sociaty we have today, who can actually help?
That's it! The person who battles with depression often think that they are the only person on the face of the earth who are undergoing their situation. That is the most common missconception and the most common cause of death.
Just in the UK there has been a significant raise in suicide rate since 2010! "On average, across both sexes, 11.8 people per 100,000 population killed themselves in 2011, up from 11.1 people the previous year." (Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21141815)
This is the reason I chose to create this website in order to help those people with similar issues by talking and focusing on motivation - motivation to NOT GIVE IN TO DEPRESSION!
You can contact me through a number of ways, such as Phone, Email, Post, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter Etc. I will post the links below.
If you sign up to my website and talk to me, we can fight this together. I am here to offer personal help with no charge at all! I will point you in the right direction, whether it is Medical help, Excersice, Company or just a shoulder to cry on.
So please get in touch with me.
Even if you are not struggling with any of the above but would like to know what Depression, Bipolar or PD is I would be glad to help and provide you with the knowledge you may require to help and support someone you may know who struggles with it.
I really do hope that I can help you.
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Email: fiona.rajan@dontgivein.org
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